Only Carepatron users with Workspace settings edit access can customize permissions for new and existing team members in your Carepatron workspace.
Learn how to access the Users & Teams permission settings to update user permissions. Users will need to log out of the account and back in before updates to their permissions will take effect.
In this guide, we’ll cover:
How to set permissions
Only users with Workspace Setting edit permission can change a user's permissions. Users will need to log out of the account and back in before updates to their permissions will take effect.
Start by navigating to the Your Team page on the left-hand-side menu.
Click the name of the team member from your list
Select the Permissions tab
Select Edit details to update permissions, then click Save changes
Or assign clients to grant access to specific clients
Client & Contact profiles
Customize which client or contact records a user can view or edit. You can select from the following permissions:
View access
None: No access to client & contact records
Assigned Only: Can only access client & contact records which they are assigned
Everything: Can access all client & contact records
Edit Access
None: Not able to edit any client & contact records
Assigned Only: Can only edit client & contact records which they are assigned
Everything: Can edit all client & contact records
Client & Contact documentation
Customize which client & contact documentation a user can view or edit. You can select from the following permissions:
View access
None: No access to client & contact documentation
Assigned Only: Can only access client & contact documentation which they are assigned
Everything: Can access all client & contact documentation
Edit Access
None: Not able to edit any client & contact documentation
Assigned Only: Can only edit client & contact documentation which they are assigned
Everything: Can edit all client & contact documentation
Scheduling & Calendars
Customize which scheduling tools and Calendars the user can view or edit. You can select from the following permissions:
View access
Own calendar: Can view their own calendar
Everything: Can view all calendars
Edit Access
Own calendar: Can edit their own calendar
Everything: Can edit all calendars
Invoices & Payments
Customize which invoices or payments the user can view or edit and process. You can select from the following permissions:
View access
None: No access to invoices & payments
Assigned Only: Can only access invoices & payments for clients they are assigned
Everything: Can access all invoices & payments
Edit Access
None: Are not able to edit any invoices & payments
Assigned Only: Can only edit invoices & payments for clients they are assigned
Everything: Can edit all invoices & payments
Workspace settings
Customize which workspace settings the user can view or edit. You can select from the following permissions:
View access
None: No access to workspace settings
Everything: Can view all workspace settings
Edit Access
None: No edit access
Everything: Can edit all workspace settings
Our team will be able to answer any other questions you may have. Just reply via messenger through the Help channel in your workspace.