If a client has a credit balance, you can apply it to an invoice to reduce the payment required. This article walks you through the steps to use available credit to settle an invoice, ensuring accurate billing and a seamless payment process.
Applying Credit Balance When Creating an Invoice from an Appointment
If you are generating an invoice directly from an appointment and the client has a credit balance in their account, you will see a checkbox labeled "Apply credit balance." Simply check this box to use the available credit towards the invoice total.
Applying Credit Balance When Creating or Editing an Invoice from the Client Record
If you are creating or editing an invoice from the Client Record and the client has a credit balance, you will also see the "Apply credit balance" checkbox. Selecting this option will automatically deduct the invoice amount from the client’s credit balance.
Once applied, the credit balance will be reflected in the invoice payment details, and the remaining balance (if any) will be updated accordingly.
Important Notes
You cannot apply a credit balance to an invoice that has already been paid.
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