Manage Staff Members

How do you add a new team member?

Updated over a week ago

Here are the steps to invite or add new staff members:

  1. Navigate to the Your Team tab on the left-hand-side menu

  2. Click the New Team Member button located in the upper right-hand corner

  3. Complete the form, including name, mobile, email, job title, and access type

  4. Once you click save, an email will be sent to the staff member, inviting them to complete their profile and sign in to your Carepatron workspace

How to set permissions

On this team page, you can edit user permissions.

  1. Start by navigating to the Your Team page on the left-hand-side menu.

  2. Click the name of the team member from your list

  3. Select the Permissions tab

  4. Select Edit details to update permissions, then click Save changes

  5. Or assign clients to grant access to specific clients

Our team will be available to answer any further questions you may have. Just reply via messenger or reach out on

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