Here are the steps to connect Zoom with Carepatron:
Navigate to Settings > Connected Apps
Click Connect on the Zoom tile
Sign in to Zoom
Make sure to tick the 'Allow this app to use my shared access permissions' option
Navigate back to Settings > Connected Apps
Check that your account is now connected
Setting up an appointment using Zoom on Carepatron :
Schedule an appointment as usual, in the add video drop-down, select Zoom
When the appointment is created, click on it on the Calendar page
Press start a video call, this will redirect you to Zoom
If you want to disconnect Zoom, then simply follow these steps:
Navigate to Settings > Connected Apps
Click edit on the Zoom tile
Click Delete
Check that your account has been removed
To remove Carepatron as an app completely from your Zoom account:
Login to your Zoom account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace
Click Manage > Added Apps or search for the Carepatron app
Click the Carepatron app
Click Remove
How can I integrate Google Meet, Microsoft or
To integrate a third party app, you can create a virtual location using the third party app. Check out this article here on how.
Our team will be available to answer any further questions you may have. Just reply via messenger or reach out to